Evercross EV85F Scooter battery
Evercross EV85F/EV10K Scooter battery
Latest BMS equipped battery
Most commonly battery fails due to abnormal temperature/short circuit/under voltage automatic sleep/over current/double over charge/double over discharge .
This new battery equipped with advanced Battery management system making it to be proof from most common problems
UK/EU /US Warehouse
Item is shipped from UK /EU /US warehouse based on order location to deliver on time , Customer dont need to pay import duties on this item
Hassle Free Return and Exchange
We are UK based Company and operate from UK, we are proud to provide quality service at very reasonable price.We are happy to take products for returns as long as they are in their original condition .We offer printer free collection for return from your door
Maximum Performance
Package Content
1 x Battery
Charging voltage 42 , Nominal Voltage Battery 36 -37 V
Compatible with models
Evercross EV85F or EV10K pro Model or Similar